February 25, 2012

Our Little Fishy

Last week we started taking Lucas to Parent-Tot classes at Swim Kids. We absolutely love it! And better yet, Lucas loves its!! He was a little sceptical at first But now I can honestly say he can't get enough. Not to mention how active he has become out of the water. After a few initial tears (yes from me too), he is off and ready to hit the lake this summer.
By his second lesson he was swimming under the water.

Love is in the Air

Love is in the air and so is cold and flu season. This week the cold and flu bug has hit our family hard. But luckily Lucas has gotten away with just a stuffy nose. In an effort to keep my germs to myself, I stopped giving my usually barrage of kisses. So much to my delight, after a few kiss-less days, a kiss on the back of the head prompted my little man to lean in for another, and another, and another with a squeal of delight. I know it won't last forever, but for now this mom is the happiest woman ever!